About me.
⎯ Helping companies discover their true creative purpose through a unique design language and immersive user experiences, transforming them into market leaders. Aligning creative vision with strategic impact, we transform design into a driver of business growth and lasting engagement.
()© Andrés Nadal Mir 2024.
⎯ From Palma de Mallorca, born curious, intensely devoted to greatness. Always in harmony with the foundations and norms that transform concepts into excellent products. Having over a decade of experience as a multidisciplinary designer in various sectors. In a few years, I went from being a car designer, working for major brands, to lead a team of more than 30 designers in one of the companies with the greatest potential and future that exists today. In a short space of time, I have been able to build a career with excellent experience either in Industrial Design, Branding and Digital.